Preprocessor & batching logic

This example assumes you’ve read advanced.ipynb, and covers:

  • Creating custom Preprocessor
  • How train & val loop and DataGenerator logic can be changed via Preprocessor
import deeptrain

from utils import make_autoencoder, init_session, AE_CONFIGS as C
from deeptrain.util.preprocessors import Preprocessor
import numpy as np

Preprocessor communicates with DataGenerator twofold: - .process() is called in DataGenerator.get() - DataGenerator sets and gets following attributes through Preprocessor: - batch_exhausted, batch_loaded, slices_per_batch, slice_idx - Thus, Preprocessor can dictate train & validation loop logic by specifying when a batch ends (setting batch_exhausted) in .process(), when some condition holds


Below preprocessor randomly crops images to a predefined width & height, as an example of .process() in action. A better example of Preprocessor communicating with DataGenerator is the builtin deeptrain.util.preprocessors.TimeseriesPreprocessor, demonstrated in examples/misc/timeseries.

class RandCropPreprocessor(Preprocessor):
    """2D random crop. MNIST is 28x28, we try 25x25 crops,
    e.g. batch[2:27, 3:28]."""
    def __init__(self, size, crop_batch=True, crop_labels=False,
        # length          -> (length, length)
        # (width, height) -> (width, height)
        assert isinstance(size, (tuple, int))
        self.size = size if isinstance(size, tuple) else (size, size)

        self.crop_batch = crop_batch
        self.crop_labels = crop_labels
        self.crop_same = crop_same

    def process(self, batch, labels):
        if self.crop_batch:
            (x_start, x_end), (y_start, y_end) = self._make_crop_mask(batch)
            batch = batch[:, x_start:x_end, y_start:y_end]
        if self.crop_labels:
            if not self.crop_same or not self.crop_batch:
                (x_start, x_end), (y_start, y_end
                                   ) = self._make_crop_mask(labels)
            labels = labels[:, x_start:x_end, y_start:y_end]
        return batch, labels

    def _make_crop_mask(self, data):
        _, w, h, *_ = data.shape  # (samples, width, height, channels)
        x_offset = np.random.randint(0, w - self.size[0])
        y_offset = np.random.randint(0, h - self.size[1])
        x_start, x_end = x_offset, x_offset + self.size[0]
        y_start, y_end = y_offset, y_offset + self.size[1]
        return (x_start, x_end), (y_start, y_end)
C['datagen'    ]['preprocessor'] = RandCropPreprocessor(size=24)
C['val_datagen']['preprocessor'] = RandCropPreprocessor(size=24)
C['datagen'    ]['batch_size'] = 128
C['val_datagen']['batch_size'] = 128
C['model']['batch_shape'] = (128, 24, 24, 1)
C['traingen']['iter_verbosity'] = 0
C['traingen']['epochs'] = 1
tg = init_session(C, make_autoencoder)
WARNING: multiple file extensions found in `path`; only .npy will be used
Discovered 48 files with matching format
48 set nums inferred; if more are expected, ensure file names contain a common substring w/ a number (e.g. 'train1.npy', 'train2.npy', etc)
DataGenerator initiated

WARNING: multiple file extensions found in `path`; only .npy will be used
Discovered 36 files with matching format
36 set nums inferred; if more are expected, ensure file names contain a common substring w/ a number (e.g. 'train1.npy', 'train2.npy', etc)
DataGenerator initiated

NOTE: will exclude `labels` from saving when `input_as_labels=True`; to keep 'labels', add '{labels}'to `saveskip_list` instead
Preloading superbatch ... WARNING: multiple file extensions found in `path`; only .npy will be used
Discovered 48 files with matching format
................................................ finished, w/ 6144 total samples
Train initial data prepared
Preloading superbatch ... WARNING: multiple file extensions found in `path`; only .npy will be used
Discovered 36 files with matching format
.................................... finished, w/ 4608 total samples
Val initial data prepared
Logging ON; directory (new): C:\deeptrain\examples\dir\logs\M4__model-nadam__min999.000

Data set_nums shuffled


TrainGenerator state saved
Model report generated and saved
Best model saved to C:\deeptrain\examples\dir\models\M4__model-nadam__min.153
TrainGenerator state saved
Model report generated and saved
Training has concluded.


A better example of Preprocessor communicating with DataGenerator is the builtin deeptrain.util.preprocessors.TimeseriesPreprocessor, demonstrated in examples/misc/timeseries. Its main logic methods are worth inspecting.

.process() checks if we’re at the first slice (window), and sets the window sequence length and number of windows per batch accordingly. This enables having variable windows per batch.

from deeptrain.util.preprocessors import TimeseriesPreprocessor
from inspect import getsource
    def process(self, batch, labels):
        """Return next `batch` window, and unchanged `labels`."""
        if self.slice_idx == 0:
            # ensure number of windows accurate for every new batch
            self._batch_timesteps = batch.shape[1]
        return self._next_window(batch), labels

._next_window() fetches next window in the sequence according to slice_idx, window_size, and two other attrs (see docs)

    def _next_window(self, batch):
        """Fetches temporal slice according to `window_size`, `slide_size`,
        `start_increment`, and `slice_idx`;
        See :class:`TimeseriesPreprocessor` for examples."""
        start = self.slice_idx * self.slide_size + self.start_increment
        end   = start + self.window_size
        return batch[:, start:end]

Lastly, it tells DataGenerator that batch ends when the last window was processed:

print(getsource(TimeseriesPreprocessor.update_state))  # called within DataGenerator.update_state
    def update_state(self):
        """Increment `slice_idx` by 1; if `slice_idx == slices_per_batch`,
        set `batch_exhausted = True`, `batch_loaded = False`.
        self.slice_idx += 1
        if self.slice_idx == self.slices_per_batch:
            self.batch_exhausted = True
            self.batch_loaded = False